In contrast to chlorine bleach, ammonia, benzene and volatile hydrogen peroxide disinfectants, the SteraMist ionised Hydrogen Peroxide (iHP) process, utilises the ionisation process of low concentration (7.8%) hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) to generate hydroxyl radicals (•OH) – one of the most powerful oxidising agents in nature.
The hydroxyl radical is often referred to as the “detergent” of the troposphere because it reacts with many pollutants, decomposing them and inactivating pathogenic viruses and bacteria, neutralising allergenic pollens and mould spores.
Hydroxyl radicals are naturally occurring, so there are no regulatory issues with deploying them, they are non-toxic to humans, animals and plants, yet they inactivate viruses and kill bacteria and mould on contact. The process leaves no residue, as the mist rapidly converts to water and oxygen and is 100% safe on electronics and all other materials.

Step 1: Cold Plasma Arc

Low percentage of 7.8% hydrogen peroxide BIT solution passes through a cold plasma arc to convert into ionised Hydrogen Peroxide (iHP)

Step 2: Dispersion

Ionised Hydrogen Peroxide (iHP) is carried throughout the mist, moving like a gas throughout the treated area, wrapping around everything and touching every surface

Step 3: Contact

Ionised Hydrogen Peroxide (iHP) damages micro-organisms through the oxidation of proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids

Step 4: Disruption

Cellular disruption and/or dysfunctions occur, neutralising all bio-hazards on contact, enabling almost 100% disinfection LOG 6 (99.9999%) and decontamination of the entire treated area


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